PlayPause® facilitates the de-identification of consumers, removing or manipulating all known direct and indirect identifiers to stop the leaking to real-world identifiers. No personally identifiable information (PII) is shared.
PlayPause® creates a national repository for the first time, eliminating silos. Working across multiple states, it stops incidents of consumers crossing a state line and continuing to gamble.
Keep control over all the consumer data, personally identifiable information and state-run self-exclusion lists, while only submitting the information to PlayPause® if enrollees consent.
PlayPause® keeps state regulations intact and enforced while extending the consumers protections across state lines.
PlayPause® is also an involuntary persons repository. Regulators may submit their employee-prohibited bettors database to PlayPause® to ensure those employees (impermissible bettors) are stopped from wagering.
There is no financial cost to enroll in PlayPause®.
Please note that PlayPause is an initiative for nationwide self-exclusion.
We are in the early-stages of launching with state regulators and operators.